
Flutter has become the most talked-about mobile app development framework since its release in 2017. This open-source toolkit enables the creation of visually stunning, natively compiled apps for various platforms, such as mobile, web, and desktop, using a single codebase. With Flutter, cross-platform development is easier and more straightforward than ever, which has made it a popular choice among developers worldwide. In this article, we will explain why it dominates mobile app development.


Flutter’s popularity across the years


The mobile app development industry is rapidly growing, and developers are always in search of new technologies and frameworks to simplify the development process. Flutter is a popular open-source framework for building high-performance mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms. Developed by Google, it has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its various advantages.


It’s one of the most sought-after tools in the world of app development. According to Statista, it was the second “most wanted library, framework, or tool among developers worldwide” in 2022, just after TensorFlow. And for a good reason.



It is a game-changer for cross-platform mobile app development. One of the reasons developers love Flutter is that it makes development much faster and easier than “traditional” technologies. It uses a reactive programming language called Dart, which is an object-oriented language that puts user interface first. 


But that’s not all. What makes this open-source framework so special is the fact that developers can create a single app for both iOS and Android at the same time. Yes, you read that right. Only one codebase is required, making cross-platform mobile app development an easy and smooth process for developers. This means shorter development time, which translates to shorter time-to-market. And in today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial.


Advantages of Flutter – explained

In addition to its ability to accelerate development, Flutter has several other advantages that make it a top choice for mobile app development:

  1. Free and Open-Source: It is free and open-source, which makes it accessible to developers worldwide, regardless of their budget or location. It also has its own widgets, making it easy to craft custom app designs, which is an important advantage for creating visually attractive user interfaces.
  2. Fast Development: Flutter’s architecture is based on reactive programming, which allows for fast edits, integration APIs, and customized use of native components. Its “Hot-Reload” feature enables developers to see the effects of changes in the code almost instantly, which helps to add features, fix bugs, and experiment rapidly.
  3. Cross-Platform Development: It is a perfect solution for cross-platform development. With Flutter, developers write a single codebase that covers both Android and iOS, which reduces development time and costs.
  4. High-Performance Apps: Its apps work in a smooth and fast way, thanks to the Dart language. Dart allows for compiling customizable native code that remains predictable in a single codebase, which reduces the chances of freezing or crashing.
  5. Perfect for MVP: It is the perfect option for building MVPs. The development process is much faster, and the widgets help craft a visually attractive user interface.
Check our previous blog post: The Best Web Development Tools in 2023.


Flutter’s Influence in Automotive App Development

Automotive applications are becoming increasingly popular as more people are using mobile devices to control their cars. These applications enable users to access a variety of features such as navigation, music, and entertainment, as well as control over the car’s various systems, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and even opening and closing doors.

One of the key advantages of using Flutter for automotive app development is its ability to create high-performance and visually appealing user interfaces. Flutter has a rich library of pre-built widgets and animations that can be used to create stunning and responsive user interfaces. This is especially important in automotive applications, where the user interface must be intuitive, easy to use, and responsive to user inputs.

Some well-known automotive companies that have used Flutter for their mobile app development are BMW and Toyota.


Flutter vs The Other Frameworks

Flutter vs. React Native

React Native is another popular cross-platform mobile development framework. It uses JavaScript and allows developers to build mobile applications for both Android and iOS. However, when compared to Flutter, React Native has some limitations. For example, React Native has a slower development cycle and it is harder to achieve the same level of performance and design as in Flutter. Also, Flutter has a more modern architecture that makes it easier to build complex UI layouts.


Flutter vs. Xamarin

Xamarin is a mobile development framework that allows developers to build native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using C# and .NET. When compared to Flutter, Xamarin has a steeper learning curve and requires more time to set up. On the other hand, Xamarin offers better integration with other Microsoft technologies and allows developers to reuse existing C# libraries. However, Flutter offers a faster development cycle and better performance.


Flutter vs. NativeScript

NativeScript is another cross-platform development framework that allows developers to build native iOS and Android applications using JavaScript. When compared to Flutter, NativeScript offers better integration with native APIs and libraries. However, NativeScript has a slower development cycle and does not provide the same level of performance and design as in Flutter.



Flutter is an innovative cross-platform mobile application development framework that offers a faster development cycle, high performance, and attractive user interface. It allows developers to build applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase, reducing development time and cost. Finding experts in this framework can be a challenge due to their rarity. However, there is no need to fret as our professionals possess the necessary skills and expertise to excel in its development. If you are seeking top-notch talent in this field, rest assured that we have got you covered. We invite you to share more information about your project with us. Contact us now!



  1.  What kind of apps can be built using Flutter?It can be used to build a wide range of apps, including business apps, social media apps, e-commerce apps, and more.
  2. Is it better than React Native?
    Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project.
  3. What are some popular apps built with Flutter?

    Some popular apps built using this open-source framework include Alibaba, Google Ads, and Hamilton Musical.

  4. Is it the future of mobile app development?

    It has a bright future in mobile app development, thanks to its fast development cycles, expressive UI, and native performance. However, the future of mobile app development is always evolving, and new technologies may emerge in the future.


Jana is a Marketing Lead at WonderIT and has a deep understanding of digital marketing strategies, including social media and advertising, graphic design, content writing, SEO, and email marketing. She is known for her ability to align marketing efforts with business objectives and drive measurable results through data-driven insights.