biometric data

The rise of high-resolution photography and video has revolutionized the way in which businesses, governments, and law enforcement can collect, store and use biometric data. This sensitive information includes facial features like bone structure, skin tone, lip thicknesses, and distances between eyes or ears that can be captured through photographic means. 

As society continues to move further into an age in which leaked or hacked photos have become commonplace experiences for millions of internet users, it is important to consider how such media can give away our identities as well as grant access to both personal and financial resources that may otherwise be off limits.

In this blog post, we will explore not only the dangers associated with biometric data exposure but also examine some of the more advanced tools being developed to help individuals protect themselves from potential vulnerabilities posed by digital theft online. Biometric data is a vital tool for authenticating identity and enhancing security in various applications, making it essential for individuals and organizations to protect and manage carefully. 

What Is Two-Factor Authentication?

With two-factor authentication (2FA), a user must supply two distinct authentication factors in order to prove their identity. This assists in confirming the user’s identity and assists in preventing illegal access to their accounts.

There are three main types of authentication factors:

  1. Something the user knows: This could be a password or a PIN code.
  2. Something the user has: This could be a smartphone or a security token.
  3. Something the user is: This could be a fingerprint or a facial recognition scan.

 Two of these three categories of authentication elements are generally used in two-factor authentication. For example, a user might be required to enter a password before having a code sent to their smartphone to verify their identity.

Software Tokens for 2FA

A form of authentication element that can be utilized as a component of a two-factor authentication (2FA) procedure is a software token. On a smartphone or other device, a software token is often a small program that creates a one-time passcode that can be used to access a system or service.

The user will normally need to install the software on their device and then configure it to function with the system or service they wish to access in order to use a software token for 2FA. The user must first enter their password and then the passcode produced by the software token while attempting to log into the system. This passcode can only be used for a short time, usually a few minutes, before a new passcode needs to be created.

Hardware tokens for 2FA

There are several different types of hardware tokens that can be used for 2FA, including:

  • Key fobs: These are compact gadgets that can be hung from a lanyard or carried on a keychain. The button on them usually generates a new passcode when it is pressed.
  • Smart cards: These are passcode-generating devices the size of a credit card that have a microchip inside. Additionally, they might offer extra security measures like a fingerprint sensor.
  • Security tokens: These are independent devices made just for two-factor authentication. The user may need to touch a button to produce the passcode, or they may have a little display that shows it.

Given that they don’t require the user to carry along an extra device or install any more software, hardware tokens can be a simple and secure solution to implement 2FA. However, they might get misplaced or stolen, so it’s critical to keep them safe and make sure they’re properly protected. 

Security awareness when it comes to biometric data 

The term “security awareness” describes people’s comprehension and knowledge of security risks and how to mitigate those risks. This involves knowing how to spot phishing scams, protect private data, and follow to appropriate security procedures.

Here is a short example of a security awareness case:

A small business owner is worried about the risk of cyber attacks on their company’s data and systems. They decide to implement a security awareness program to educate their employees about the importance of protecting company assets and how to identify and prevent potential security threats. The program includes training sessions and regular reminders about best practices for password management and safe browsing. As a result of the program, the employees become more vigilant about protecting the company’s assets and are able to identify and prevent several potential security threats. The business owner also notices a decrease in the number of security incidents and an improvement in the overall security posture of the company.

Bottom Line

As technology advances, we face new and different privacy concerns. The rise of high-resolution media has led to a heightened concern for biometric data protection. Exposing someone’s biometric information can have far-ranging consequences, from identity theft to physical harm. While there are benefits to high-resolution media, we must be mindful of the risks involved. Taking steps to protect our biometric data is essential to safeguarding our personal security in the digital age.

Read also: Tech Trends for 2023: Here’s What Is Going To Be Trending.


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